Life before Papercrafting

Before I was so obsessed, umm I mean involved in all things papercraft related, used to tinker with beads. I made earrings, key chains, stemware charms, bracelets, necklaces..everything i could think to make from colorful beads. my designs were one of a kind and I could sit for hours working on them.
This website was brought to my attention recently and it really spoke to me. I hope you will take a look at it and I hope it touches you the way it did me. It is inspiring and gives me hope for the world.
Beads For Life
Women in Uganda rise from poverty to build a better future for themselves and their families. The beads are beautiful and the pictures and stories are even more beautiful. Look over the site and read the stories and then stop by the BFL web store. May you be inspired.


Rachel Hope said...

I have a pair of earrings made from beads from this program, I love them! Love to see programs like this.

Rosella said...

Thank you for sharing this site with us! I am so glad that they are able to do something. Their condition is so sad.


Gary Allan - She's So California