Sorry I haven't had any updates in a while. I did want to share some exciting news with all of you though!
I had the honor and privileged to meet a long time SCS friend in person this week and it has been wonderful!!
I met nettefrawl from SCS this week, she and her husband and young son are visiting from Utah.
On Tuesday I snuck up on her in a craft store...she had no idea I was there, it was worth it too!! The look on her face was priceless!!
Tonight we had a fun get together at my house over pizza!! nettefrawl, Robyn_Kuritz and newtnewt all from SCS!! The kids played in the backyard, we chatted and ate and laughed and hugged!!


Sharon said...

So glad you ladies have been having such a good time D! :)

Jen said...

How cute are all of you?!! Seriously! Glad you are all having so much fun, and that you keep surprising Nette! LOL

Lesa said...

You have been tagged! Write 7 facts about yourself and then tag 7 others. I read your blog each time you update. I have you in my google reader account. Thanks for all your sharing. I enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

How flippin' cute are all of you?
I am so jealous!!! I bet you had a great time!

Lisa said...

I'm glad you had fun!!!


Gary Allan - She's So California